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August 27, 2022

After still heavily being targeted by Curt Gooch, he even managed to take down my back up Youtube channel, i made a third one and no longer uploaded KISS Through The Years episodes. But he still started to strike footage, even though i know he does not own the material he strikes! I have put all the videos i did have uploaded on Private so far, as he even started to contact other license companies that i uploaded their content, even though they don't care as they receive ad revenue over it... If you want to watch the KISS Through The Years episodes, they can be found on their page here. Seeing the whole Sam Loomis leak situation is still on going, and Gooch even has little thugs helping him with striking videos on YouTube, even going as far as harassing people at home. I am laying low until things settle down. I have uploaded a few videos to my Rumble account, one of the few sites that have no limitation in it's video size and length without paying for it.

This i do know, Curt Gooch has also claimed the Creature's tour soundboard as his on Youtube, something he does NOT own as KISS has opened up preorders for the Creatures Of The Night Deluxe Edition boxset that contains some of these soundboards! So Curt, get ready to see KISS in court! Cause UMG knows you are claiming them! And i am not done with you, or your thugs! Not in a long shot, you and your fellow 50 year old man children will be exposed in the near future.


Youtube channel update

August 9, 2022

After the KISS video leaks, a certain individual, Curt Gooch, who states he owns the footage, has started targeting me and my videos, mainly the KISS Through The Years episodes, they all got copyright takedown claims send on them and it got my Youtube account disabled suddenly. Even though i am still disputing the disabling of my channel, i am uploading on the new channel, and even though it's a negative the old one is very likely gone, i am seeing the positive in the new channel as now i can upload enhanced versions of my old videos! The first video of the KISS Albums Revisited is already online! I am now working on turning the 4 part Evolution of KISS series into one video and i will extend the video until 2022!

And if you wanna watch KISS Through The Years, this very likely won't be happening on Youtube anymore, but i got them all embedded here on my website and with multiple links added!

KISS Through The Years, Bootleg release and upcoming interviews

July 8, 2022

2022 is going fast! After the overwhelming positive response of the first episode of KISS Through The Years, and the episodes following, it's already July! I have been editing so much, i even forgot to update the News section! The first episode right now is sitting on 116.000 viewers! I honestly to only maybe reach only 5.000 viewers, as the last KISS Albums Revisited episode, Monster, is still sitting at a meager 1.8k in views, but this possibly also could be because of the subject in the video!

As I'm reaching the next launch of another KTTY episode, number 7, covering 1983, next week on Wednesday the 13th of July. I have decided to open myself to doing some interviews as people seem to be interested in this.

I have also finished a new project, the Ultimate KISS 1980 TV Compilation DVD! Well, Blu-Ray as it holds footage from 1980 on two Blu-Ray disc's as DVD's do not support full HD! Go over to the Bootleg section to know more!

New Project

November 27, 2021

A new project is about to be released soon! KISS Through The Years will be a integrate biography styled documentary in multiple episodes that takes a look at the legendary band KISS, starting with 1973 - 1974! This will hold performances, (rare) footage, bootleg recordings, interviews and much more and all enhanced and in glorious 2K High Definition!

Patreon Campaign

October 11, 2021

People now can support me in making content over at Patreon! You get a digital welcome package containing a special upgraded (audio)bootleg! Also included are (rare)high quality KISS pictures and more! You also get Patreon exclusive updates about future projects of mine, bonus content, watch uncut videos that were blocked by Youtube. Get early access to my videos long before Youtube subscribers get to see them! Get upgraded audio bootlegs before they go public! The first Patron member already has signed up! 

KISS & Tour & Discography

October 1, 2021

KISS & Tour is almost done! The only page left to do so is for The End Of The Road, a tour that still has dates set all the way up into July 2022! So i can already start on this tour page, but won't be able to fully finish it until the last show of the tour has been played. A new section added to the website the KISS Discography section that will only cover all the KISS studio albums and compilation albums that added a new song, as KISS released so many compilation and greatest hits albums, i don't think i will ever finish that section if i added them! The first KISS album has been finished!

KISS & Tour & KISS Bootlegs

September 15, 2021

More tour pages have been added and the KISS Downloads section has been changed to KISS Bootlegs! Next to video footage, i also like to touch up audio bootlegs to improve their quality! Go check out the KISS Bootlegs section!

KISS & Tour & KISS Locations update

August 28, 2021

Many tour pages have been added since the last update! I just finished the page for Alive 35 and to make sure i don't get sick of doing these pages every single day, to keep a variety going i also added a location at KISS Locations! Cobo Hall!

KISS & Tour, Tour books and more...

August 8, 2021

Welcome to the new website! Things look sharper and simple, the site is designed to look it's best on a browser on PC as the smartphone and tablet versions seem to be bugged and make some pictures larger than normal. If you need to watch the website on a smartphone or tablet, enable Desktopsite in Google Chrome.

Work have started to restore KISS & Tour on this site, but i am improving it as well! Updated information as some is years old, more special shows/tour happenings and every tour will get their FULL tour book in the style of a photo gallery you can slide through to the right and left! New to my website is KISS Locations, here you will find famous locations KISS either played, rehearsed or more! Pictures and/or video footage added how the location looked back than and now! For future plans i might add a KISS Discography, but this will only be done when everything else is done on the sight, after all, almost every KISS site has a Discography section!

©Necramonium 2007 - 2023

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